From JVM to EVM, Comms and Diffs


After graduating I worked for a company that manufactured Java cards (smart cards).
Still, I remember the hundreds of Java bytecodes.
10 years later, now I am developing Ethereum smart contracts.
As such, I am feeling catharsis with how similar those are.
Shortly, look at the commonalities and differences.

  • Java card
    developed by Java programming language,
    compiled to Java bytecodes,
    run on Java virtual machine,
    executed on a single computer.
  • Smart Contract
    developed by Solidity/Vyper/YUL programming language,
    compiled to EVM bytecodes,
    run on Ethereum virtual machine,
    executed on an infinite number of computers in the world.

There are more in deep such as Garbage Collector, Object Ref and etc.
But it’s quite enough to understand the basics.
I am really enjoying developing smart contracts, and I am passionate about solving security problems.

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